Bake Sale

I haven’t been able to post lately because my upload speeds have been so slow, the uploads keep timing out! The earliest appointment I could get is tomorrow for them to come see what is going on! So meanwhile I’ve been keeping plenty busy with other things!

Last week was particularly busy with doctor, dentist and orthodontist appointments on Monday, parent-teacher conferences on Tuesday, piano lessons, cub scouts and young womens on Wednesday, my oldest son’s birthday party on Thursday, and the School Holiday Faire on Friday. I volunteered to bake some cookies for my first grader’s bake sale at the Holiday Faire.

So I baked some of our family’s favorite, Oatmeal Scotchies. I put four in a bag and made a cute tag with one of the snowflakes from the Snow Swirled set. When I was done I had made over 70 cookies. Some of which were taste tested by the boys and my dh for quality assurance.

Don’t forget, today is the last day to sign up for my Holiday Extravaganza class! See the next post for details!

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