OnStage in Salt Lake City Recap!

Kelly and I had a great time at OnStage in Salt Lake City!
We splurged and traveled First Class!  It was nice!

Got a picture with Kevin who was celebrating 20 years with Stampin’ Up!

Here is my favorite Arizonian, Sue Ann!

Kelly and I on the first day.

Donna and I met last year and it was great to see her again this year!

Blythe (my up, upline), Sue Ann, and me!

Janet, Blythe’s sister, and me!  I was so glad to see her because she is a tax accountant and I thought she wouldn’t be able to attend.

Blythe is so much fun and so cute!

Everyone waiting for the show to start!

They had a live band start the show.  We danced to a bunch of different songs!

Kelly, Anne from Hawaii, Becky (a new friend), and Blythe

They had balloons hanging everywhere and shot off long strands of confetti to start!

Shelli & Sara came on stage together!  I was so happy that Shelli was back!

And the most exciting part was we got our new catalogs right away and they gave us a few minutes to look through it real quick!

Here are the new In Colors: Flirty Flamingo, Emerald Envy, Dapper Denim, Peekaboo Peach,  and Sweet Sugarplum!  I can’t wait to start using them!

Kelly draped in the confetti strands.

Anne and I got all dressed up and went to the CentreStage Leadership Dinner at the Grand America hotel.

The table setting was beautiful!

We enjoyed the dinner

We started with a beet salad.

And ended with a chocolate dessert.

We were entertained by the Dueling Piano duo!  They took requests for songs.  My fav was when they played Queen.

The bathrooms were incredible at the Grand America hotel!  The walls had padded wallpaper and each stall had marble and its own chandelier!

Day 2 started with watching my up upline, Blythe walk across the stage to celebrate 20 year with Stampin’ Up!

The afternoon consisted of lost of waiting in long lines to see the new products and do the make-n-takes.  I hope they work on better logistics next time!

We finally got in to do some make-n-takes!

I loved the shaker card!  Lots of great products to make shaker cards in the new catalog!!!

Anne, Kelly, me 🙂

Yay!  Day 2 was done!

Day 3 started with dancing!

I loved watching Shelli & Sara stamp together!

We finished our day with out third annual dinner at Brio’s Tuscan Grille! Blythe got the lamb chops.

I got the crab cakes, again.

We all had a lovely dinner.

Selene popped in to say hi!  We saw her the night before at dinner!  

Click here to Order Stampin’ Up! Online Anytime!!

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