Fun at the Stampin’ Up! Catalog Premier

We had so much fun at the Catalog Premiere event on Monday night!  It was so fun to see “Stampin’ Up!” on the movie theatre board!

We found some friends:  Kathleen, me, my up upline – Blythe, Blythe’s sister Janet, and Kelly.

Oooo, shiny!  We got to watch the videos from the Incentive Trip and Leadership while we waited.

They had lots of prize patrols, but no one from our group was lucky enough to win.  🙁

But we felt like winners when we got our catalogs at the very end!  We sat down and looked through them together and “oooooed” and “ahhhhhhed” over all the great new items!  I think this is the best Stampin’ Up! catalog I have ever seen!  I can’t wait to order from it on June 2nd!!
Do you want your very own copy?  Let me know and I’ll send you one!
Click here to Shop Now!!