
I’ve been tagged so here it goes:

  1. I lived in Taipei, Taiwan when I was in 6th grade. We lived up on a mountain, Yang Ming Shan. I went to the Taipei American School.
  2. My favorite candy is sour patch kids (but only the orange and red ones).
  3. I grew up in Columbia, MD near Baltimore. I miss having the four seasons.
  4. Before my first son was born, I worked as a Trade Show Coordinator. The company I worked for had a crazy schedule! Over 50 trade shows a year and most were all packed in March-April & September-October.
  5. I don’t have a middle name. When I asked my parents why, they said it was so that I didn’t have a long name to sign on legal documents.
  6. My favorite food is pizza (right now it’s Round Table’s Guenevere’s delight).
  7. My brother and I share a birthday. When I was young, everyone would comment about how amazing it was that we were born on the same day and I would look at them quizzically and ask “Weren’t you born on the same day as your siblings?”


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